Technology Description

The effectiveness of many anticancer drugs varies greatly from patient to patient, with risks of incorrect dosages and adverse side effects. The invention provides for the first time an electrochemical method to measure the concentration of the drug Imatinib in patient’s plasma and then to establish the optimal dose, with an on-site test readable in real time.
Imatinib is an anticancer drug used in particular for the treatment of Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) greatly improves the effectiveness of the cancer treatment and helps to personalize the doses and to limit side effects. Quick procedures are therefore essential. The patented electrochemical method provides a simple, fast and cost-effective protocol for the measurement of Imatinib concentration through plasma collection; said method is suitable for the manufacturing of a device, that will make the test results readily and easily accessible at the patient’s bed (point-of-care), avoiding long times required by specialized analysis. The method involves the selective extraction of the drug on a liquid-liquid extraction column and a following measurement of its concentration using an electrochemical technique, in particular adsorptive stripping voltammetry.

Potential Benefits

-Simple protocol to be performed also by non-specialized personnel;
-Rapid and accurate diagnosis on site;
-Minimum amount of plasma required;
-Results in real time;
-Determination of drug concentration and therefore of treatment effectiveness for a timely adjustment of individual dosage.


The proposed device is drug specific.

Suggested Applications

-Protocol to determine Imatinib concentration in patients’ plasma;
-Suitable for developing a portable device to perform therapeutic Imatinib drug monitoring.

PCT Application
We are looking for a financial partner
Gregorio Bonazza, Salvatore Daniele, Federico Polo, Giuseppe Toffoli, Stefano Tartaggia

Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (IRCCS CRO AVIANO) - National Cancer Institute

Discover the institution >>
CRO is an Italian public institute founded in 1984 and is committed to pursue excellence in all aspects of clinical oncology and management of health services. CRO is also an excellence in translational and clinical research activity for the advancement of scientific knowledge. Website:
The technological areas
Engineering, Life sciences, Medicine

Technology Readiness Level 3

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