Technology Description

This innovative method allows separation of nucleated fetal cells from maternal
peripheral blood at all gestational ages.
More specifically, the physiological separation of fetal cells allows the non invasive prenatal diagnosis and it is useful for subsequent chromosome, gene expression and protein investigations.

Prenatal diagnostic methods are a high unmet need for medical care. This innovative technology provides a method to isolate nucleated fetal cells, containing intact DNA, from the other cells present in maternal blood.

Potential Benefits

- Isolation of nucleated fetal cells.
- Feasible at all gestational ages.
- Immuno-TAG not required.



Suggested Applications

- Non invasive prenatal diagnosis.
- Method applicable for liquid biopsy diagnosis.

Related materials
Case manager

Laura Spinardi

US Patent
Debora Lattuada

Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico

Discover the institution >>
Cà Granda Hospital, was founded in 1456 becoming a model for European hospitals; in six centuries of activity it has followed the Milanese in their path of healing, affecting the history of medicine and anticipating various innovations that are revolutionary to this day. Website:
The technological areas
Life sciences, Medicine

Technology Readiness Level 3

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