Novel tool for the evaluation of cognitive impairment that interfere with optimum quality of life: 18 items questionnaire with score correlated to clinical outcome and indications. The questionnaire will be configured in App for Patient Reported Outcome allowing remote monitoring.
Cognitive Function refers to intellectual processes and all aspects of perception, thinking, reasoning, and remembering that are key in maintaining personal and social independence, working capability, and associated quality of life.
In cancer patients, surgical treatment of Central Nervous System tumors, as well as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone-therapy, could induce transitory or long-term cognitive impairment due to damaged encephalic tissues or blood-vessels.
The tool can be applied for other non-neurological populations (HIV patients, patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment).
The Patient Reported Outcome (PRO) App for cognitive function self-assessment does not require the presence of a professional for the completion of the questionnaire and provides a subjective result that can be associated to other objective psychological evaluation tools. The psychologists using this PRO App will be able to remotely monitor their patients, while other doctors and professionals working in hospitals or private structures that do not have the psychology unit, can use the PRO App to evaluate if their patients require further psychological investigation.
The PRO-App questionnaire focuses on subjective aspects.
This PRO App can be used by
a. Infectious disease specialist for HIV patients
b. Oncologists for patients with mammary tumor receiving hormonal therapy
c. Radiotherapists for patients with brain tumors
d. General practitioners for elderly people with putative cognitive impairment due to primary or secondary aging
e. Neurologists for patients with putative cognitive impairment
Lucia Coral