Technology Description

Our innovation:

-New procedure to delaminate epitaxial graphene from a doped SiC substrate to another substrate by means of mechanical separation, or exfoliation of the graphene wafers.
-The separation is induced by an electrochemical method, specifically the hydrogen bubbling at the graphene-SiC interface produced during the water electrolysis into the graphene-SiC interface.
-An adjustment of the minimal mechanical stress allow to maintain the high crystalline quality of the initial epitaxial graphene.
-Single-step process: single steps-exfoliation without necessity of other additional mechanical traction.
-A polymeric layer with controlled thickness (commercial materials) is used as transfer material.
-The types of substrates that can be used to transfer the EG-SiC are many and known to any expert in the field.

Potential Benefits

Competitive advantages: cheaper, simpler, one-step exfoliation without previous hydrogenation or multilayer deposition, versatile method applicable to various SiC substrates, reusable SiC substrate after graphene exfoliation, easy scale-up, fast, and economically sustainable process.


To be determined during further development

Suggested Applications

Patient need addressed: nanoelectronics, biomedical devices

Case manager

Aida Castellanos Paez

International patent application PCT/ES2017/070851 (December 27, 2017)
Licensing or Assignment
Gemma Rius, Philippe Godignon, Rosa Villa, Elisabet Prats

Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, Bioingeniería, Biomateriales y Nanomedicina

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The Biomedical Networking Research Center of Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN) is one of the 11 thematic areas of CIBER. CIBER groups some of the main Spanish research groups (more than 400) in biomedicine, located in more than 100 institutions distributed around Spain. Website:
The technological areas
Applied physics, Engineering, Life sciences

Technology Readiness Level 2

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