Company Profile (Business & Technology)

Publish your company profile in the database

We can also publish your company profile on the database for distribution throughout Europe and abroad. In addition, we will support you through the partnership process.

Japanese SMEs companies please go here for more details.

(Note for the attention of European Union SMEs. This service is provided by the EEN Japan with support of local EU organisations member of the network. EU SMEs willing to submit business/technology profiles will be introduced to the most relevant local partners. Please contact us here)


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our newsletters

The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :

  • EU-Japan NEWS - our flagship newsletter covering the Centre's support services, information about EU (or Member States) - Japan cooperation
  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Tech Transfer Helpdesk Newsletter
1 EUR = 159,224 JPY