A Japanese company offers services for the regulatory approval process in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology

Country of origin :
Date :
EEN profile reference :
Partnership type sought :
Outsourcing agreement
Sector/Main field of activity :
Type of Partnership :

A Japanese company who has been engaged in CRO (Contracted Research Operation) services is looking for EU companies in the sector of pharmaceuticals and biotech to offer their supporting for regulatory process under an outsourcing agreement. 

This Japanese company has a 35-year-long experience supporting foreign pharmaceuticals and biotech companies by consulting, studying and coordinating that enables to help obtaining official approvals given by Japanese authorities such as PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency).

See the company pdf for more details

Contact details :
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
Link to PDF detail :
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1 EUR = 159,210 JPY