A Japanese company offers international project opportunities to EU companies in space operations and ground segment infrastructure

Country of origin :
Date :
EEN profile reference :
Partnership type sought :
Commercial agency agreement
Outsourcing agreement
Sector/Main field of activity :
Aeronautics & Space
Type of Partnership :

The Japanese company specializing in space operations and ground segment infrastructure is seeking EU partners for international projects related to operation services. The company is offering below set of services based on their 20 years of experience in the aerospace sectors to EU companies interested to enter the Japanese market.

1- Training of Ground segment people
2- Customization and Implementation of Operational Software for Rover/Lander/Satellite missions
3- Simulation environments for Rover missions
4- Simulation environments for in orbit Servicing
5- Operations as a service
6- Automation of procedures and processes
7- Turnkey Mission Control Centres

See the company pdf profile for more details.


Contact details :
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / info-eu@een-japan.eu
Link to PDF detail :
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1 EUR = 159,567 JPY