
The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace is an association established under local law.

Its goal is to promote and develop economic contacts with Japan, as well as teach the Japanese language, and knowledge of its civilisation and culture. It is a tool for international relations between Japan and the Alsace region.
This Privacy Policy sets the terms and conditions for the use of this website ( ) and covers how and why the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (Centre Européen d’Études Japonaises en Alsace – CEEJA) collects, uses, discloses, transfers, and stores personal user information.
Personal data is collected from Internet users in compliance with the regulations concerning marketing communication, the law of June 21st, 2014 for confidence in the digital economy, the law on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and amending of August 6th, 2004, as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The aim of this privacy policy is to explain to the website users, how their personal data is collected, used, and protected.

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace reserves the right to modify this privacy policy.

In the event of a significant modification of this privacy policy, the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace will notify users on its website, at least 30 (thirty) days before said modification has taken effect.

By continuing to use the above website after the modifications have taken effect, the user will be deemed to have given their consent.

Users can browse the website ( without having to disclose their identity or any other personal information about them. 
Users are never forced to share their personal data when they browse the website
The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace is an association established under local law (Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle). Its SIREN number is 435 399 985 and its head office is located 1 rue Camille Schlumberger, 68000 COLMAR.


•    Person responsible for the collection of personal data:

The person responsible for processing personal data collected when browsing this website is:

Virginie FERMAUD

1, rue Camille Schlumberger, 68000 COLMAR

Telephone: 03 88 13 66 38

E-mail :

The data protection officer is:

Virginie FERMAUD

1, rue Camille Schlumberger, 68000 COLMAR

Telephone : 03 88 13 66 38

E-mail :

•    Purpose of the collected data:

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace is likely to process all or part of the personal data of users browsing the website, some of which are essential to the proper functioning of the services offered on said website, for the uses below:
- Improve the user’s browsing experience, establish audience statistics, measure the possible return on investment of marketing acquisition campaigns: connection and website usage data.
- Answer questions asked by users, schedule appointments online: user identity, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number.
- Study user requests when contacting the helpdesk: user identity, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number.

- Study user bookings when signing up for events organized by the helpdesk: user identity, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, job, interests.
- Prevent and fight against fraud and secure communications with or from the website: computer equipment used, IP address, login and password (HASHE) to connect to a secure network.
- Organize communication campaigns: user identity, phone number, e-mail address, fax number.
- Send personalized e-mails to website users: user identity, telephone number, e-mail address, fax number, connection and website usage data.
•    Data collected and purpose of collection:

This website showcases all activities and events organized by the helpdesk.

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace is likely to collect personal user data:
-    When a user browses the website;
-    When the user signs up for an event organized by the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace via the registration form on the website
-    When the user contacts the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace via the contact form on the website.
The data likely to be collected are the following: connection data, use of the website, the user’s identity, telephone and fax number, e-mail address, the user’s job, centers of interest, computer equipment used to browse the website, IP address, login and password (HASHE) to connect to a secure network.

By providing all of the above information or by allowing the collection of the above data, the user browsing this website website consents that it may be collected and processed by the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace for all the purposes listed above.

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace will not commercialize the collected personal data.

This data will be used only for the purposes listed above or for statistics and analyses.

- Use of personal data and retention period :

- Use of personal data:

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace may collect personal data from users of its website for the purposes developed above.

The legal basis is consent (article 6.1.A).

•    Retention period:

The retention period of personal data collected through the contact form on the website shall not exceed five years when the user is "active".

In case of inactivity, the data collected will not be kept for more than three years from the last connection to the website.

Consent will have to be renewed every 13 months with regard to the processing of cookies (see below).

By browsing this website, the user explicitly consents that their personal data may be processed by the CEEJA for the purposes indicated above.

The user will consent to it by accepting cookies when they browse the website for the first time.


•    Recipient of the personal data collected:
The recipients of the collected personal data are:

- Virginie Fermaud, Director of the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (CEEJA)

- Aurélien Anthony, Head of the "Economy" project at the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (CEEJA)

•    Data transfer outside of the EUROPEAN UNION:
The personal data collected may be transferred outside the European Union to the following countries
-    Japan
We inform our users that their rights concerning their personal data are respected as there is an adequacy decision of the European Commission (art. 45 RGPD) for the transfer of personal data to Japan.

Indeed, Japan ensures a level of personal data protection which conforms to the guidelines set up within the GDPR.
•    Use of cookies and Internet tags:

The user is informed that cookies may be installed on their browser, in particular cookies allowing to establish general statistics when browsing this website. 

The user will have the choice to accept or decline these cookies.

A cookie is a small file of information sent to the user's web browser and stored in the user's terminal.

This file includes information such as the user's domain name, internet service provider, operating system, and the date and time of access to the website.

Cookies will not damage the user's terminal in any way.
The editor is likely to process the user's information concerning their visit on the site. This information makes it possible to improve the contents of and optimize the navigation of the user on this website.

These statistical analyses are anonymous and allow the helpdesk, for example, to determine the number of people consulting a web page or the number of people coming back to the website.
These cookies are not intended to track a particular user. Their only purpose is to improve the quality of the website user experience and to draft relevant content for the users visiting this domain.

The user may, at any time, freely configure their browser to allow them to decide whether or not to accept cookies so that they are saved in the terminal or, on the contrary, to reject them either systematically or according to their sender.

The user is also able to configure their Internet browser so that the approval or refusal of cookies is asked before a cookie is likely to be recorded in his terminal.

The user is informed that they will not be able to access certain features of the website if some cookies are refused. 
In this case, the European Center for Japanese Studies for Alsace is not responsible for the consequences linked to any dysfunction of the present website and the services that it offers, resulting either from the user refusing cookies or The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace to record or consult the cookies necessary for their analyses because of the choice made by the user.
•    Right of access, correction and opposition:
The user has the right to withdraw their consent at any time.

In this case, they must send a letter or an e-mail to one of the following addresses:

Centre Européen d'Etudes Japonaises en Alsace (CEEJA)

1, rue Camille Schlumberger, 68000 COLMAR

Telephone : 03 89 23 16 53


E-mail :

In accordance with the current enforced European regulations, the users of this website also have the following rights:

- The right to access and rectify, question, update, complete, block or delete user data of a personal nature when they are inaccurate, incomplete, equivocal, outdated, or whose collection, use, communication or storage is prohibited.

- The right to withdraw consent at any time.

- The right to limit the processing of user data.

- The right to object to the processing of user data.

- The right to the portability of data provided by users when such data are subject to automated processing based on their consent or on a contract.

- The right to define the outcome of their user data after their death and to choose to whom the publisher should communicate or not this data.

As soon as the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace becomes aware of the death of a user and in the absence of instructions from the latter, the European Center for Japanese Studies of Alsace commits itself to destroy this data except if their conservation is necessary for evidence or to meet a legal obligation.
The user may at any time contact the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace if they wish to have information on how their personal data are used, or if they wish to rectify or delete them, or to oppose their processing.

They should then contact the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace (CEEJA) by writing to the following address:

Centre Européen d’Etudes Japonaises en Alsace (CEEJA)

1, rue Camille Schlumberger, 68000 COLMAR

Telephone : 03 89 23 16 53

E-mail :

The user must indicate the personal data they wish to correct, update or delete, and must identify themselves by attaching a copy of their identity card to their request.

Each user has the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which can be contacted at the following address:

CNIL, 3 place de Fontenois, TSA 87115, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07
•    Safety of collected personal data:

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace takes all necessary precautions to preserve the safety of the collected information so that it is not shared with unauthorized people.

If an incident affecting the integrity or the confidentiality of the user's information should be brought to the attention of the CEEJA, the latter will inform the user as soon as possible and will explain the corrective measures undertaken.

To ensure the safety and confidentiality of the collected personal data, the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace uses networks protected by standard devices such as firewalls, pseudonymization, encryption, and passwords.

When processing collected user data, the European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace takes all reasonable measures to protect it from any loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

The European Center for Japanese Studies in Alsace also ensures the safety of children.

The processing of user data relating to a minor is legal when the child is over 15 years old in France. 

Below the age of 15, the child will have to ask for the consent of their legal representative, and in practice, consent is given by their legal guardian when browsing this site. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us
Contact us