
As a member of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Japan is the world’s third largest economy.
With the second highest spending worldwide on R&D, a hunger for IP and new trends, and an increasingly globalized outlook, Japanese companies remain amongst the most valuable and technologically advanced in the world.
On 17 July 2018, the European Union and Japan signed an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the biggest trade agreement ever negotiated by the EU that will create an open trade zone covering over 600 million people.
The EPA came into force on 1st February 2019.


Tools & Programmes

Discover all the tools to help you improve your knowledge about Japanese regions, prefectures, clusters and bring your project further.

Obtaining guidance and information (existing tools, funding, instruments, programs) and accelerating your project with Japan!

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Clusters & Regions members

Discover an overview of all the Japanese Prefecture and Cluster members of the EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Helpdesk to find and identify your potential best new partner(s)!


Searching partners

Discover all the Prefectures and Clusters searching for new partners! 

You are a Japanese Prefecture / Cluster interested to cooperate with Europe

Join the EU-Japan Regional Cooperation platform to

  • Obtain guidance and information (existing tools, funding, instruments, programs) and accelerating your project with Europe/Japan
  • Find European and Japanese partners to establish new regional cooperation and reinforcing existing ones
  • Connect with the EU and Japan initiatives which facilitate regional and business cooperation such as European Cluster Collaboration Platform, JETRO Regional Industry Tie-Up, Enterprise Europe Network, Horizon 2020, European Regional Networks
  • Highlight and share your best practices with Europe/Japan, at the EU-Japan level in each EU regions / Japanese prefectures, members of the platform (website, newsletter, social networks)
  • Participate in our first EU-Japan regional cooperation conference in Strasbourg, France in April 2020 for presenting your cluster, region, prefectures and for partnering and matchmaking.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us
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