
Vilnius University – your business partner. We create knowledge, technologies and products in all stages of innovation value chain. Scientific domains: biomedical, physical sciences, technologies, social sciences and humanities.


Vilnius University is the largest Lithuanian higher education and research institution. We are open for collaborative research, contract research or any cooperation activities with partners from business and public organizations. Multidisciplinary approach on R&D activities at Vilnius University provides unique opportunity to incorporate methodologies, perspectives, data and concepts from all scientific fields – biomedical, physical sciences, technologies, social sciences and humanities. We believe that the right mix of shared intentions with our partners and clients, outstanding teams of university researchers and open access to modern R&D infrastructure deliver remarkable solutions that can change organizations, markets and society in general.

Available technologies

Additive manufacturing of 3D glass-ceramics down to nanoscale resolution
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: other
Method of fast spectral analysis of cancerous tissues
TRL: 7
Availability: other
Status: other
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