Self-assembled functional acrylic copolymers and terpolymers and their use as vehicles of bioactive compounds
TRL: 3
Availability: other
Status: other
Biodegradable micro-needle for transdermal drug delivery and the 3D printing method to realize the device (CNR 10267 and 10029)
TRL: 3
Availability: other
Status: other
Theranostics nanoparticles for implementing precision medicine (CNR 10205 - 10275)
TRL: 4
Availability: other
Status: other

EU-Japan Centre's News

Host a Japanese intern and broaden your horizons in research and development! Next year, the…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is…
U.S.-Japan Council, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Joint Webinar Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to…
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