Bread & Pastries

Par-baked sourdough baguettes, breads and rolls for Home Baking, packaged in a protective atmosphere.
Fresh bread within a few minutes in the oven or the toaster.

  • Traditional leaven and stone-ground cereal flour from France
  • Long fermentation
  • Baking on stone plates
  • 100% organic and vegan
  • Long shelf life: 6 months from the production date

Ambient storage. Country-style, Rustic, Multi Grain, Spelt. NEW: Par-baked wholemeal baguettes; 2x200g.

Biofournil is an organic bakery established in 1978 that specializes in making 100% organic traditional leavened breads. Our master bakers use traditional methods to ensure quality at all stages of the production process. Slow kneading, long fermentation and baking on stone plates. We are using the finest organic ingredients: stone ground organic cereal flours - GMO free -, natural leaven, purified water and unrefined sea salt.
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