
5 October is the label with which we sell our blend produced from the earliest harvested olives. It is the most exclusive organic extra virgin olive oil in our collection, made from several cultivars harvested and pressed by October 5th. The prevailing varieties are the earliest in terms of ripening, there are Leccino and Raggia, as well as Mignola, Frantoio, Orbetana, Coroncina and Pendolino.

Taste: From the set of several cultivars combined in an early stage of maturation, an intense oil is obtained with a strong character, but still balanced, basically green, medium fruity with hints of almond, artichoke and decisive notes of bitter and spicy.

Appearance: The color is clear green, the result of immediate filtration through natural cartons which guarantees perfect conservation.
In the kitchen: Thanks to the peculiar hints of grass, almond and artichoke, given by the local varieties, used mainly raw, it allows you to enrich and enhance the flavor of more delicate dishes (salads, cooked vegetables, soups, etc.), but it is excellent on dishes with a more intense taste such as grilled, sliced or Florentine meat.

The AFM Azienda Faunistica Marche is part of one of the most important Italian agricultural complexes: the Vallesina. The company was founded in 2003 as a breeding ground for restocking game (pheasants, partridges, rock partridges and quails) and in 2006 it expanded its business by planting olive trees and building an oil mill, for company use only, which came into operation in the October of 2011.
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