About the "Invest in EU Hub"
The "Invest in EU Hub" is a new service to promote Japanese investments in the EU. It will ‘signpost’ potential Japanese investors and other stakeholders to relevant sources of information and resources at EU-level and in EU27 member-states.
The "Invest in EU Hub" is a new service to promote Japanese investments in the EU. Its aim is to provide information to Japanese investors and stakeholders about key EU-level investment opportunities available to non-EU investors. These opportunities take the form of programmes supported or co-financed by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank or other EU-level institutions. For additional information, click on the links provided or approach the relevant contact point indicated.
The information will be presented primarily in Japanese, with an English version also available.
Soon this Invest in EU Hub webpage will also offer signposts to EU27 Member States’ services for information about investment conditions and support available at individual EU Member State level.
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is not involved in any way in the calls / proposals promoted on this webpage (i.e., it has no role in accepting or processing questions or offers submitted in relation to a call). The contents of this webpage are made available for general information and non-commercial purposes only. It does not claim to be comprehensive or up to date and is not intended to provide legal or other advice. No person should rely on the contents of this webpage without first obtaining advice from a qualified professional person.
If you have questions about the 'Invest in EU Hub' as opposed to the calls or other proposals featured on this webpage please email to: misaki.shigeno@eu-japan.or.jp.