
Call for Applications for the Next "World Class Manufacturing" Training Mission to Japan

The 5-day World Class Manufacturing training mission (WCM) will give participants an opportunity to visit some of the world's most advanced factories.
During this 5-day mission in Nagoya participants will learn how leading Japanese companies use world-class manufacturing techniques to drive their businesses and how to interact with senior Japanese production engineering managers and lean experts.

"Regardless the step in the lean journey your company might be, the mission provides an in-depth approach and a striking experience that forces you to review how well your vision is grounded. Well-known concepts as continuous improvement, training or leadership, acquire a new dimension and challenges you to go the extra mile. Personally, main take-away have been the importance of continuously sharing vision, goals and outputs in the most visual way and throughout all training activities; the crucial role of the leadership by example and presence at Gemba, from top management to group leaders, in the commitment and participation of all the staff; the constant improvement action at the workshop and the amazingly lean approach to muda removing that karakuri is. I am strongly committed to transferring this best practices to my company and do my best to somehow transmit this spirit to all the team. Finally, sharing the mission with other professionals enrich the experience in such a way that I am sure that, for most of the participants, it will remain as a cornerstone for our future professional performance." Ruben Centeno, Plant and operations manager, Productos y Mangueras Especiales SA, WCM 2019 participant.

The training mission in Japan provides participants with:

  • In-depth analysis of Japanese manufacturing methodology
  • Lectures, seminars and panel discussions presented by experts from Japanese industry
  • Company and factory floor (Gemba) visits
  • Preparation and post-visit review

Training dates: 16-20 November 2020 - Application deadline: Thursday, 2 July 2020
No tuition fee for SMEs and the European Commission grants €600 to participants from SMEs.

Important Notice:
At this stage, the EU-Japan Centre doesn't know yet how long this "unlocking process" will last but the Centre is committed to continue promoting the World Class Manufacturing mission until 2 July, without excluding the possibility to organise a virtual mission, in case of persisting travel restrictions and shutdown of borders in November 2020.

Published: June 2020