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is a joint venture co-financed by the European Commission and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI). Its aim is to foster the development of industrial cooperation between companies from both regions through training programmes for businesspeople, for EU and Japanese students and researchers, and through information services and an industrial dialogue. This quarterly newsletter is produced by the EU-based office of the EU-Japan Centre, and is primarily intended to provide EU/Japan-related news.

Centre's News

EU-Japan BRT Covid-19 Position Paper

The EU-Japan BRT has issued a Position Paper on the health, economic and other challenges posed by coronavirus.

The EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) is a forum for senior executives from 55 Japanese and European companies and business organisations, led by Masaki Sakuyama (Chairman, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) and Philippe Wahl (Chairman and CEO, Le Groupe La Poste).

On 19 May, the BRT issued a Position Paper on the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The first part of the Position Paper focussed on the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on heal...

Mapping a future for autonomous driving – TomTom joins the EU-Japan BRT

Alain De Taeye, Member of TomTom N.V.’s Management Board, has joined the EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) and will feed his knowledge and expertise in high definition mapping for safe autonomous driving into the BRT’s work.

Remembering Tom Hardiman

A look back at Dr. T.P. Hardiman's links with the EU-Japan Centre

Tom Hardiman, the Irish industrialist, committed European and ardent advocate for EU-Japan relations has died aged 91. An engineering and science graduate, his broad career took him from Irish radio and television, through chairmanship of Irish business and other organisations, roles in Brussels, London and Paris, to a governorship of the Asia Europe Federation in Singapore. Widely respected internationally in business and public life, he was an approachable, relatable and loyal individual, who took time to get to know ...

EU-Japan BRT Covid-19 Position Paper

The EU-Japan BRT has issued a Position Paper on the health, economic and other challenges posed by coronavirus.

The EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) is a forum for senior executives from 55 Japanese and European companies and business organisations, led by Masaki Sakuyama (Chairman, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation) and Philippe Wahl (Chairman and CEO, Le Groupe La Poste).

On 19 May, the BRT issued a Position Paper on the current COVID-19 pandemic.

The first part of the Position Paper focussed on the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on heal...

Mapping a future for autonomous driving – TomTom joins the EU-Japan BRT

Alain De Taeye, Member of TomTom N.V.’s Management Board, has joined the EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) and will feed his knowledge and expertise in high definition mapping for safe autonomous driving into the BRT’s work.

Remembering Tom Hardiman

A look back at Dr. T.P. Hardiman's links with the EU-Japan Centre

Tom Hardiman, the Irish industrialist, committed European and ardent advocate for EU-Japan relations has died aged 91. An engineering and science graduate, his broad career took him from Irish radio and television, through chairmanship of Irish business and other organisations, roles in Brussels, London and Paris, to a governorship of the Asia Europe Federation in Singapore. Widely respected internationally in business and public life, he was an approachable, relatable and loyal individual, who took time to get to know ...

New report on EU-Japan business cooperation in third markets

What can EU and Japan businesses do together in third markets? This is the topic of the latest report of the EU-Japan Centre, prepared by Masami Marbot as part of the MINERVA Market & Policy Intelligence Programme.

EU-Japan region & cluster cooperation: benefits for SMEs

This article will give some information about the newly published report about EU-Japan region & cluster cooperation carried out in the framework of the MINERVA EU-Japan Market & Policy Intelligence Programme.


EPA Helpdesk: making the EPA work for businesses

The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) marked the start of a new era for the European Union and Japan. From the start, the priority for us at the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation has been implementing the EPA. We should ensure that businesses, in particular SMEs, reap the maximum benefits from the agreement. This means raising awareness with promotion campaigns, making information accessible, providing guidance and reaching out to SMEs throughout Europe. It is the objective of the EPA Helpdesk which was actually put in place at the end of 2018, anticipating the entry in...

EPA Webinars: Future & Past

Future EPA webinar on Services & Insurances to be organised on Tuesday, 16 June at 10:30 CET. This webinar is targeted to EU SMEs wishing to learn more about the changes brought by the EPA in terms of insurance. The EPA covers numerous aspects of the insurance services market, ranging from insurance and reinsurance to brokerage, intermediation, and auxiliary actuarial services. This coverage affects EU companies throughout the insurance services industry.

EPA Factsheets

EPA & Footwear and Leather Products
The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to EU exporters of Footwear and Leather products, the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Agreement for an Economic Partnership. This factsheet takes a close look at market access for different products such as raw hides, skins, leather, articles of leather, saddlery, travel goods, footwear articles and more. It then focuses on criteria that a product needs to comply with the provisions "Rules of Origin".EPA & Forestry Products
This factsheet aims EU exporters of Forestry products, and...

Call for Applications for the Next "World Class Manufacturing" Training Mission to Japan

The 5-day World Class Manufacturing training mission (WCM) will give participants an opportunity to visit some of the world's most advanced factories.
During this 5-day mission in Nagoya participants will learn how leading Japanese companies use world-class manufacturing techniques to drive their businesses and how to interact with senior Japanese production engineering managers and lean experts.

"Regardless the step in the lean journey your company might be, the mission provides an in-depth approach and a striking experience that forces you to review how well your visi...

The importance of leadership, a strategic vision and engaging everyone in an organisation

The first lecture in the EU-Japan Centre’s Shaping Business series looks at the role of the leader in industry and why ‘servant leaders’ are particularly important. Future Shaping Business lectures will look at other issues affecting EU and Japanese industry.

Call for Applications for the Next "World Class Manufacturing" Training Mission to Japan

The 5-day World Class Manufacturing training mission (WCM) will give participants an opportunity to visit some of the world's most advanced factories.
During this 5-day mission in Nagoya participants will learn how leading Japanese companies use world-class manufacturing techniques to drive their businesses and how to interact with senior Japanese production engineering managers and lean experts.

"Regardless the step in the lean journey your company might be, the mission provides an in-depth approach and a striking experience that forces you to review how well your visi...

Call for Applications for the Biotech Mission to Japan in October 2020

The Biotech mission is now heading towards its 8th edition, set to take place in Japan, on 13-16 October 2020. During this 4-day mission, you will have the opportunity to meet/discuss with Japanese companies and have a (free) exhibition space at the "BioJapan" Expo.
The programme targets EU companies and clusters from the EU or COSME partnering countries, active in sectors covered by the trade fair:

Drug and Drug Discovery (Biologics, Vaccine Small-Molecule Drug etc.)Digital Technologies and AI for Drug Development, BioinformaticsCell therapies, Regenerative MedicineDrug Discovery S...

Call for Applications for the Biotech Mission to Japan in October 2020

The Biotech mission is now heading towards its 8th edition, set to take place in Japan, on 13-16 October 2020. During this 4-day mission, you will have the opportunity to meet/discuss with Japanese companies and have a (free) exhibition space at the "BioJapan" Expo.
The programme targets EU companies and clusters from the EU or COSME partnering countries, active in sectors covered by the trade fair:

Drug and Drug Discovery (Biologics, Vaccine Small-Molecule Drug etc.)Digital Technologies and AI for Drug Development, BioinformaticsCell therapies, Regenerative MedicineDrug Discovery S...


“Get Ready for Japan” Training Mission Postponed in September 2020

In support of the recommendations of health officials, the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is postponing the 3rd edition of its successful programme "Get Ready for Japan" until September 2020. In this occasion, the Centre has confirmed the selection of 14 EU entrepreneurs willing to discover more about the Japanese culture and business market opportunities.

"Participating in the course gave me the confidence to continue working within the Japanese market, now that my knowledge about different layers ...

From EU

Japan-EU Leaders' meeting on 26 May 2020

H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, H.E. Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and H.E. Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, held a Leaders Meeting via VTC on 26 May 2020.

During the meeting the following points were covered:
The leaders recognised that global solidarity, cooperation and effective multilateralism are required more than ever to defeat the virus as well as to ensure economic recovery.
The leaders emphasised the importance of strengthening preparedness and of improving the inter...

EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Factsheet

The European External Action Service (EEAS) released a factsheet on the EU-Japan strategic partnership. The EU-Japan strategic partnership is based on longstanding cooperation, shared values and principles such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, good governance, multilateralism and open market economies. Japan is one of the EU's closest, like-minded partners. Under the Strategic Partnership Agreement, the EU and Japan are strengthening their relations across a wide range of areas, from enhanced political cooperation to trade and investment, from development to the digital transfor...

Japan-EU Leaders' meeting on 26 May 2020

H.E. Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, H.E. Mr. Charles Michel, President of the European Council, and H.E. Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, held a Leaders Meeting via VTC on 26 May 2020.

During the meeting the following points were covered:
The leaders recognised that global solidarity, cooperation and effective multilateralism are required more than ever to defeat the virus as well as to ensure economic recovery.
The leaders emphasised the importance of strengthening preparedness and of improving the inter...

EU-Japan Strategic Partnership Factsheet

The European External Action Service (EEAS) released a factsheet on the EU-Japan strategic partnership. The EU-Japan strategic partnership is based on longstanding cooperation, shared values and principles such as democracy, the rule of law, human rights, good governance, multilateralism and open market economies. Japan is one of the EU's closest, like-minded partners. Under the Strategic Partnership Agreement, the EU and Japan are strengthening their relations across a wide range of areas, from enhanced political cooperation to trade and investment, from development to the digital transfor...

Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the new MFF, own resources and the Recovery Plan

On 13 May, the European Commission President von der Leyen made a speech on a possible recovery plan.
The full text is available on the European Commission website: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_20_877

Source: European Commission

Speech of Commissioner Breton at the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

On 24 April, the Commissioner Breton made a speech on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the industrial ecosystems and possible recovery plan.
The full text is available on the European Commission website: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/breton/announcements/speech-commissioner-breton-european-parliament-committee-industry-research-and-energy_en

Source: European Commission

Speech by President von der Leyen at the European Parliament Plenary on the new MFF, own resources and the Recovery Plan

On 13 May, the European Commission President von der Leyen made a speech on a possible recovery plan.
The full text is available on the European Commission website: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_20_877

Source: European Commission

Speech of Commissioner Breton at the European Parliament Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

On 24 April, the Commissioner Breton made a speech on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the industrial ecosystems and possible recovery plan.
The full text is available on the European Commission website: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/commissioners/2019-2024/breton/announcements/speech-commissioner-breton-european-parliament-committee-industry-research-and-energy_en

Source: European Commission

European COVID-19 Data Platform

On the 20 April, the European Commission together with several partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data. The platform, part of the ERAvsCorona Action Plan, marks another milestone in the EU's efforts to support researchers in Europe and around the world in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
The new platform will provide an open, trusted, and scalable European and global environment where researchers can store and share datasets, such as DNA sequences, protein structures, data from pre-clinical res...

Common European Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak

The European Commission is coordinating a common European response to the coronavirus outbreak. The Commission is taking resolute action to reinforce public health sectors and mitigate the socio-economic impact in the European Union. The Commission is mobilising all means at its disposal to help the Member States coordinate their national responses and is providing objective information about the spread of the virus and effective efforts to contain it.

Source: European Commission

Coronavirus Response by the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs

The Commission's top priorities are safeguarding the health and wellbeing of our citizens and using all available tools to mitigate the socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. The Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs plays an important role in this regard, within its remit. The Directorate-General is contributing to the Commission's economic response to the outbreak, ensuring the exchange of essential protective equipment on the internal market, as well as helping affected industries mitigate the effects of the coronavirus outbreak.

European COVID-19 Data Platform

On the 20 April, the European Commission together with several partners launched a European COVID-19 Data Platform to enable the rapid collection and sharing of available research data. The platform, part of the ERAvsCorona Action Plan, marks another milestone in the EU's efforts to support researchers in Europe and around the world in the fight against the coronavirus outbreak.
The new platform will provide an open, trusted, and scalable European and global environment where researchers can store and share datasets, such as DNA sequences, protein structures, data from pre-clinical res...

EU-Japan Webinar Series on COVID-19

Between the 11 June and the 24 September 2020 the EU Delegation in Japan will organise a series of nine online webinars in different policy areas ranging from green recovery to trade to public health, bringing together EU and Japanese experts to discuss the impact, policy response and EU-Japan cooperation regarding COVID-19.
Language: Japanese and English (simultaneous interpretation)
Participation fee: Free

Register or contact: aiichiroy@eujapanspa.jp

See also details in our calendar page.

Covid-19 Industrial Clusters Response Portal

The insightful webpage set up by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, funded by the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME), provides reliable information on European Commission's actions related to industry and industrial clusters. Furthermore, it provides an open discussion forum where registered users can share their experiences, needs and solutions.

Source: European Commission

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform re-launched with new functionalities and content

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) undergo a refresh in June 2020 to enable industrial clusters, stakeholders and policymakers to better connect, communicate and collaborate. The ECCP provides a unique one-stop shop for news, opportunities and collaboration, and boosts the visibility and impact of European clusters in cutting-edge industries and expanding markets throughout the world.

The new look ECCP will continue to support international business co-operation through showcasing industrial cluster news and calls for funding, policy information, event...

Covid-19 Industrial Clusters Response Portal

The insightful webpage set up by the European Cluster Collaboration Platform, funded by the EU programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs (COSME), provides reliable information on European Commission's actions related to industry and industrial clusters. Furthermore, it provides an open discussion forum where registered users can share their experiences, needs and solutions.

Source: European Commission

EU-Japan High Level Dialogue on Environment

The European Commission and Japan held a High Level Dialogue on Environment via videoconference on the 1st of April 2020 to discuss two of the key environmental issues - biodiversity and circular economy.


Funding Opportunities for EU-Japan Cooperation

International cooperation with Japan for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels. H2020 call: LC-SC3-RES-25-2020. Deadline: 1 September 2020.

Promotion of EU food products in Japan

The Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency of the European Commission has launched a website in Japanese to promote EU food products in Japan.

Source: CHAFEA

EU-Japan News

European Trade Promotion Organisations’ Association COVID-19 Survey on Crisis Management and Recovery Strategies

In March 2020, ETPOA – the European Trade Promotion Organisations' Association conducted a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on exhibitions participations and on crisis management and recovery measures by European Trade Promotion Organisations (TPOs). In total, 28 organisations responded, including 21 national TPOs from Member States.
Exhibitions play an important role in foreign trade promotion, as most respondents organise pavilions for companies to join. All ETPOA survey participants planned a total of 1.283 pavilions in exhibitions in 2020.

At the time of the survey, 255 were ...

European Trade Promotion Organisations’ Association COVID-19 Survey on Crisis Management and Recovery Strategies

In March 2020, ETPOA – the European Trade Promotion Organisations' Association conducted a survey on the impact of COVID-19 on exhibitions participations and on crisis management and recovery measures by European Trade Promotion Organisations (TPOs). In total, 28 organisations responded, including 21 national TPOs from Member States.
Exhibitions play an important role in foreign trade promotion, as most respondents organise pavilions for companies to join. All ETPOA survey participants planned a total of 1.283 pavilions in exhibitions in 2020.

At the time of the survey, 255 were ...

Urban experiments in Japan, which lessons for France?

The Fondation France-Japon has launched a new research project on urban experiments in Japan, focusing in particular on the case of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. This project mobilises diverse partners from academic institutions but also from private sector.

While the previous Games were an opportunity to demonstrate the power of cities and states through the construction of major infrastructures, the next two editions in Tokyo and then Paris will seek above all to build on their pre-existing infrastructures.

The Games of 2020 (postponed to 2021) an...

Urban experiments in Japan, which lessons for France?

The Fondation France-Japon has launched a new research project on urban experiments in Japan, focusing in particular on the case of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. This project mobilises diverse partners from academic institutions but also from private sector.

While the previous Games were an opportunity to demonstrate the power of cities and states through the construction of major infrastructures, the next two editions in Tokyo and then Paris will seek above all to build on their pre-existing infrastructures.

The Games of 2020 (postponed to 2021) an...

DWIH Tokyo Web Talk on “The Future of Work in Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0”

On 31 March, the DWIH Tokyo welcomed four panellists from Germany and Japan to a web talk on "The Future of Work in Industry 4.0 & Society 5.0". More than 150 viewers from Germany and Japan followed the web talk via the live stream on YouTube and engaged in the online discussion.

Into the future with Artificial Intelligence – how MeJoin encourages the digital brains!

MeJoin is a research network funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, which strengthens the bond between Japan and Germany and advises 10 medium-sized companies that want to settle abroad.

Spotted publication: Use of robotic devices in elderly care in Japan

As part of a study conducted by the IGES Institute, Berlin, Franz Waldenberger (Director of DIJ) and Sieun Park (Scholarship student at DIJ) investigated to what extent robotic devices were applied in elderly care in Japan, how practitioners assessed their potential and what difficulties stood in the way of the spread of the technology. Given the severe labor shortage in elderly care, these questions are of utmost importance. The study was prepared for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. An abridged version of the final report (in German) can be downloaded on this l...

Co-sponsored Research Fellowships

Together with the European University Institute, San Fiesole, Italy, the Canon Foundation jointly awards one co-sponsored Canon Foundation Research Fellowship annually for post-doctoral research at the EUI. This Fellowship is open to candidates of Japanese nationality or permanent residents of Japan. The annual deadline for applications is 15 September and applicants can apply either via the Canon Foundation or the European University website.

Source: Canon Foundation

The Network News

Specific COVID-19-related support initiated by organisations members of Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network helps fight against COV-19 with marketplace "Care & Industry together against CORONA"
The "Care & Industry together against CORONA" platform aims to bring together actors in healthcare, industry, academia and government in Europe to gather and showcase initiatives in various EU regions and share knowledge and best practices. It offers a market place to match offers and requests for products, services, partnerships, project cooperation and investment. EEN partners are ready to help identify potential partners, support SMEs and all actors to provide reli...

Specific COVID-19-related support initiated by organisations members of Enterprise Europe Network

Enterprise Europe Network helps fight against COV-19 with marketplace "Care & Industry together against CORONA"
The "Care & Industry together against CORONA" platform aims to bring together actors in healthcare, industry, academia and government in Europe to gather and showcase initiatives in various EU regions and share knowledge and best practices. It offers a market place to match offers and requests for products, services, partnerships, project cooperation and investment. EEN partners are ready to help identify potential partners, support SMEs and all actors to provide reli...

From Cap Innove: Specific COVID support

Cap Innove is a non-profit Business Innovation Center, in Nivelles (Wallonia, Belgium), supporting innovative companies whatever the sector but with a strong focus on 2 main topics: Autonomous systems (mainly drones) in ID2Move and Food & AgriTech (project ID2Food).
Their clients are badly impacted by the lockdown situation as airspace and HoReCa are closed.
Cap Innove took several initiatives to help them in this tricky situation:

Online coaching sessions on how to rethink the business model;List of (free) webinars/ online trainings to skill them up;Facebook page to share ...

From BioWin: Specific COVID-19 Support

The Health Cluster of Wallonia, Belgium.
In the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, BioWin, the Health Cluster of Wallonia, has set up an interactive platform to gather healthcare initiatives and foster interaction between industrial, academic players and other contributors. The platform will be active until the 28 of June and targets companies operating in: the development and manufacturing of new diagnostic approaches; data science; artificial intelligence; the development of new treatments; new sources of funding; manufacturing, supply and recycling of masks and individual protections...

From NRW.BANK & NMWP.NRW: Specific COVID-19 Support

In cooperation with the regional high-tech cluster NMWP.NRW the Enterprise Europe Network partner NRW.BANK organised two webinars that focused on Access to Finances (A2F) for SMEs and startups. Moreover, other public initiatives that support companies during the crisis to stay in business and to further develop their innovation projects were presented.
These webinars were very well received by the audience and it is foreseen to maintain this cooperation with more webinars to come. The webinars were targeting SMEs and startups with a nano/high-tech background.
Link to Webinar 1

From Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Specific COVID-19 Support

The Chamber launched three distinct support projects:

Regional Cooperation Portal
A Regional Cooperation Portal aiming to promote and support the active cooperation of companies representing key industries for the development of the Świętokrzyskie region, matching regional partners and establishing business contacts.
Companies with spare production / service capacities, resources, products, semi-finished products, looking for subcontractors, suppliers, recipients or other forms of cooperation are invited to take advantage of the offer of the Regional Cooperation Portal for busi...

From Economic Development Agency Brandenburg: Specific COVID-19 Support

The Brandenburg Economic Development Board has developed a platform Cluster-helfen-Unternehmen (Cluster help companies). Any Brandenburg company offering something or looking for support can make use of it. So, this channel may also initiate regional cooperation.

The Network offers & requests

REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTOR: Industrial equipment

A Japanese producer of hydraulic pumps competitive for their light weight and compactness is looking for distribution partners in the EU.



A Japanese company producing a pipe renewal device that increases the longevity of pipes is looking for partners in the EU.



A Japanese electronic components manufacturer specialised in miniaturised potentiometers, joysticks and slip rings, is looking for commercial agents.



Japanese manufacturer of surgical instruments for the treatment of trigger finger is looking for distributors in the EU.



A Japanese company developed a multifunctional organic matter disposal device and is looking for EU distributors and sales agents.


SERVICES OFFERED: Industrial equipment

SERVICES OFFERED: Industrial equipment
A Japanese manufacturer of gas atomisation devices and metal powders offers its services targeting France and Germany.



A Japanese manufacturer of conveyor systems looking for sales agents in the EU.



A Japanese company is seeking 3D printing technology for building constructions to distribute in Japan.



A large Japanese electronic appliance distributor is looking for EU equipment suppliers of disruptive consumer products in electronics and similar sectors that are yet to be released in Japan.

Link to REFERENCE: BRJP20200417001

REQUEST FOR DISTRIBUTOR: Industrial equipment

A Japanese producer of hydraulic pumps competitive for their light weight and compactness is looking for distribution partners in the EU.



A Japanese company producing a pipe renewal device that increases the longevity of pipes is looking for partners in the EU.



A Japanese electronic components manufacturer specialised in miniaturised potentiometers, joysticks and slip rings, is looking for commercial agents.



Japanese manufacturer of surgical instruments for the treatment of trigger finger is looking for distributors in the EU.



A Japanese company developed a multifunctional organic matter disposal device and is looking for EU distributors and sales agents.


SERVICES OFFERED: Industrial equipment

SERVICES OFFERED: Industrial equipment
A Japanese manufacturer of gas atomisation devices and metal powders offers its services targeting France and Germany.



A Japanese manufacturer of conveyor systems looking for sales agents in the EU.



A Japanese company is seeking 3D printing technology for building constructions to distribute in Japan.



A large Japanese electronic appliance distributor is looking for EU equipment suppliers of disruptive consumer products in electronics and similar sectors that are yet to be released in Japan.

Link to REFERENCE: BRJP20200417001


Date/location Details Contacts
COVID-19 & Business
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
COVID-19 & Energy
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
COVID-19 & Digitalisation of Society
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
COVID-19 & International Trade
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
COVID-19 & Publich Health Systems
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Climate-friendly Mobility
Training Mission: Get Ready for Japan
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
COVID-19 & Connectivity
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Seminar DJW "Hiru no Kai"
The Economic Power of Pop Culture - Yet Untapped Potential in Germany and Japan
COVID-19 & Research + Innovation
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
COVID-19 & Climate Change
Delegation of the European Union to Japan
Tokyo & Osaka
Sectoral Mission: Biotech Cluster & SMEs Mission
Application deadline: 25 June 2020
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Visions of a Cashless Society - Approaches in Germany and Japan
Training Mission: World Class Manufacturing - November session
Application deadline: 2 July 2020
EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation