
From Cap Innove: Specific COVID support

Cap Innove is a non-profit Business Innovation Center, in Nivelles (Wallonia, Belgium), supporting innovative companies whatever the sector but with a strong focus on 2 main topics: Autonomous systems (mainly drones) in ID2Move and Food & AgriTech (project ID2Food).
Their clients are badly impacted by the lockdown situation as airspace and HoReCa are closed.
Cap Innove took several initiatives to help them in this tricky situation:

  • Online coaching sessions on how to rethink the business model;
  • List of (free) webinars/ online trainings to skill them up;
  • Facebook page to share needs/requests and "buy local" initiatives;
  • Digitalisation of our networking events;
  • International EEN matchmaking events on Robotics & Aeronautics technologies;
  • The 3D printers in its Maker's Lab are used to produce medical devices

Published: June 2020