For the past two years, the EU-Japan Centre has facilitated the connection between EU and Japanese companies interested in working together in three regions: ASEAN, Africa and Latin America.
In April 2024, the Centre opened the scope of this project to other markets. This new scope will allow more opportunities for EU-Japan joint projects in foreign markets.
If you are an EU company interested in working with Japanese partners in foreign markets, check out the webpage of International Joint Projects. To celebrate the news, the Centre also updated its two lists of case studies detailing existing partnerships between EU and Japanese companies in Africa and Southeast Asia.
The documents are available below:
The EU-Japan Centre currently produces 5 newsletters :
Joint venture established in 1987 by the European Commission (DG GROW) and the Japanese Government (METI) for promoting all forms of industrial, trade and investment cooperation between the EU and Japan.
The EU-Japan Centre’s activities are subject to the allocation of a Grant Agreement by the European Commission for 2024-2026