
EPA Factsheets

  • EPA & Footwear and Leather Products
    The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to EU exporters of Footwear and Leather products, the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Agreement for an Economic Partnership. This factsheet takes a close look at market access for different products such as raw hides, skins, leather, articles of leather, saddlery, travel goods, footwear articles and more. It then focuses on criteria that a product needs to comply with the provisions "Rules of Origin".
  • EPA & Forestry Products
    This factsheet aims EU exporters of Forestry products, and outlines the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Agreement for an Economic Partnership. It gives a comprehensive overview of the market access for different products such as wood and articles of wood; cork and articles of cork; manufactures of straw, of esparto or of other plaiting materials; pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic material; paper and paperboard; printed books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the printing industry. It then outlines on the Rules of Origin under the EPA for these products.
  • EPA & Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Tokens
    The EU-Japan EPA outlines bilateral and multilateral regulatory cooperation with the objective of reinforcing global financial stability, efficient markets, and protection of investors, depositors, and fiduciaries. This factsheet titled "Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Tokens" takes a close look at this sector and its regulatory landscape in Japan, and focuses on the impact the EU-Japan EPA has on this sector.
  • EPA & Payment and Transfer Services
    Since 2018 payment services are the largest individual segment of the fintech industry in Japan, outweighing the other segments of the fintech industry by a large margin. This factsheet takes a close look at the specificity of the sector and at its regulatory landscape in Japan. It then focuses on the impact of the EU Japan EPA on this sector.
  • EPA & Crowdfunding and P2P Lending
    Crowdfunding is a segment of the fintech industry focused on funding of projects, ventures, and firms via online crowdsourced fundraising. This factsheet titled "Crowdfunding and P2P Lending" takes a close look at the regulatory landscape in Japan and focuses on the impact the Agreement has on this sector.
  • EPA & Vehicles
    The aim of this Factsheet is to explain to EU exporters of vehicles and parts, the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Agreement for an Economic Partnership. This factsheet takes a close look at the market access and the tariff concessions regarding vehicles and parts. It also gives information about the special EPA provisions applicable to vehicles and parts which includes standards, dispute settlement procedure and safeguard clause. Finally, the factsheet focuses the Rules of Origin under the EPA and the specific rules as regards certain vehicles products and parts. 
  • EPA & SMEs
    The aim of this Factsheet is to explain the provisions of the EU-Japan Agreement for an Economic Partnership (EPA) related to EU Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). This factsheet takes a close look at Chapter 20 of the Agreement dealing with SMEs, giving information on its specificities and providing the relevant websites and contact points. It also references the other chapter in which the Agreements reinforce the general benefits for SMEs.
  • EPA & Fishery Products
    The aim of this Factsheet is to explain EU exporters of fishery products the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement. This factsheet takes a close look at market access, focusing on tariff lines and the different types of preferences applied by Japan on imports of EU fish products. It then gives comprehensive information the rules of origin applied for these fishery products.
  • EPA & Maritime Transport
    This Factsheet aims at explaining EU exporters of goods to Japan the market access opportunities offered by the EU-Japan Economic Partnership (EPA). This factsheet takes a close look at international maritime transport services defined in the Agreement. It then highlights the coverage of obligations related to that kind of transport. It also gives information on container stations and depot services, as well as on customs clearance services, maritime agency services and handling services. 

Published: June 2020