
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform re-launched with new functionalities and content

The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) undergo a refresh in June 2020 to enable industrial clusters, stakeholders and policymakers to better connect, communicate and collaborate. The ECCP provides a unique one-stop shop for news, opportunities and collaboration, and boosts the visibility and impact of European clusters in cutting-edge industries and expanding markets throughout the world.

The new look ECCP will continue to support international business co-operation through showcasing industrial cluster news and calls for funding, policy information, events and webinars. During the COVID-19 crisis the ECCP has been a knowledgeable source of information on the efforts of industrial clusters to address the challenges posed by the crisis, and continues to signpost to resources and support for action and economic recovery.

The ECCP regularly promotes news and opportunities of interest to Japanese and EU companies interested in expanding their activities within the EU and Japan respectively. Over 1,100 industrial clusters representing more than 100,000 SMEs are mapped on the site and can be searched by sector, geographical area, keywords and more providing comprehensive information to anyone looking for information or collaboration opportunities.
Subscribe to the ECCP newsletter at to find out more about the re-launch and how setting up an ECCP user account can benefit industrial clusters, SMEs, stakeholders and policymakers.

Published: June 2020