

Future & Past Webinars "About Japan"


  • Webinar 156: The Japanese Meat Market
    23-06-20 | 10:30 h - 11:30 h CET
    The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking to learn more about the specificities of the Japanese meat market. The consumption of beef and other types of meat has increased gradually in Japan over recent years, especially among the younger generations. On the other hand, the EU-Japan EPA is reducing tariffs on meat products. These elements are creating new business opportunities for EU meat producers.


  • Webinar 150: Cross Cultural Issues: Communicating Effectively with Japanese Partners (Part 1)
    This webinar was targeted to EU companies wishing to learn more Japanese business culture and seeking a fresh perspective on cross-cultural communication. It provided different techniques to accelerate the quality of communication with Japanese partners and enhance the effectiveness of meetings.
  • Webinar 151: Cross Cultural Issues: Influence decision making processes in Japanese organisations (Part 2)
    The webinar targeted to EU companies wishing to learn how to navigate decision-making processes in collaborative arrangements with Japanese partners. It gave concrete advice on optimal timing, and information on the Japanese way of making decisions, emphasising on tools of decision such as nemawashi and ringi processes.
  • Webinar 152: Cross Cultural Issues: Trust, Networking and Relationship Building (Part 3)
    The webinar was targeted to EU companies wishing to accelerate the transparency, quality and smoothness of trust and relationship building with Japanese partners. It provided information on the Japanese view of trust and put it in perspective with the European's one. It also gave key recommendations on ways to build trust with Japanese business partners.
  • Webinar 153: Cross Cultural Issues: Aligning strategy with Japanese counterparts (Part 4)
    The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking a fresh perspective on how to align strategy with Japanese partners. This webinar focused on strategies and planning with Japanese business partners. It proposed different frameworks and techniques for accelerating the transparency, quality and smoothness of strategic planning with Japanese partners.
  • Webinar 154: Opportunities in the Japanese Leather and Footwear Market
    The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking to find new export markets on Japan's leather and footwear market. It first gave information on preparing EU products to the Japanese markets, with focus on market size and identification of its structure, and outlining on key competitors on the market. It also gave information the specificities of packaging for Japan and different entry models to sell in Japan.
  • Webinar 155: Artificial Intelligence in the Japanese Medical Sector
    The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking to learn more about the Japanese medical sector and its status in terms of utilisation of Artificial Intelligence. It first gave insight of the sector presenting the needs for AI in this sector. It then outlined the AI medical markets, presenting its structure and the key actors in this area, as well as the opportunities for EU SMEs in entering this market.

Published: June 2020