

Latest Reports "About Japan" Released

Japanese Footwear & Leather market
Japan's leather and footwear markets is in good health: the leather goods market grew around 2.6% in 2018 and is worth ¥1.15 trillion. The footwear market, while not growing, has remained stable for a decade at ¥1.4 trillion and, within that market, there are plenty of growing segments such as fashion sneakers and premium footwear. Japanese appreciation for European manufacture, design, craftsmanship is well known and remains a constant feature of the market. This report titled provides readers with a clear overview of the size of the Japanese leather and footwear market, the scope and potential, as well as lists of the potential retail targets and the distributors and trading companies that could partner in reaching them.

Artificial Intelligence in the Japanese Medical Sector
Over the past years, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has been focusing on Artificial Intelligence to strengthen the Japanese medical sector. With AI being positioned as a priority technology in Japan's healthcare, it will fundamentally reshape the healthcare landscape in the coming years. This report provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the impact of the Artificial Intelligence on the Japanese medical sector. It first defines its characteristics with its key drivers and current trends. It then highlights the AI regulatory framework in Japan and its applications in the Japanese healthcare system. Finally, it presents various recommendations to EU companies for a successful market entry.

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Published: June 2020