
New report on EU-Japan business cooperation in third markets

How important is European and Japanese business cooperation in third markets? What are the characteristics of such cooperation (sectors, location, drivers, challenges, etc.) and how to encourage them further? This new report of the EU-Japan Centre prepared by Masami Marbot as part of the MINERVA Market & Policy Intelligence Programme, aspires to give a better understanding of these business partnerships, notably by a review of 30 case studies. It also provides suggestions for companies, as well as some recommendations for trade promotion organisations to support and encourage further EU-Japan business partnerships worldwide.

Cooperation between European and Japanese enterprises in third markets is indeed a promising business trend as it enables companies to join their complementary strengths in technologies, local know-how, financing, and existing infrastructures and facilities.

For example, a study conducted by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan in 2019 reveals that 69% of German companies in Japan are involved in business activities with Japanese partners outside Japan.

In addition, collaborations between European and Japanese companies overseas also advances common values and principles of freedom, democracy, and open markets; as well as promote globally high social, environmental and technological standards. As such, it builds on the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure signed by Japan Prime Minister Abe and President of the European Commission Juncker in Brussels on 27 September 2019.

The report follows a seminar organised by the EU-Japan Centre on 3 December 2020. On this occasion, European and Japanese companies, chambers of commerce and officials shared their experience and views on collaborations in third countries, in a variety of sectors and markets. The full report and a 19-min podcast are available online.

Published: June 2020