
Our latest Market Access Workshops

In its ongoing efforts to help European SMEs to access the Japanese market, the EU-Japan Centre has organized on regular bases since 2015 various market access workshops to explain the specificities of doing business in Japan, focusing on the cultural aspects or some industrial sectors. These workshops are organized within the frame of the Centre’s activities as a member of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN).  

The EU-Japan Centre is happy to announce the successful conclusion of four workshops since March, co-organized with the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Krotoszyn Town Hall in Poland (see photos), and a consortium of EU clusters in the frame of the F2F Health Matters project.
The workshops were held ahead of some companies’ missions to Japan that the above-mentioned organizations were planning, gathering over 120 registrants.

Please find below a testimonial from our partner in Poland, regarding a physical workshop in Krotoszyn, meant as a pre-briefing before their trade mission (see also the article: “Full of success Polish-Japan trade mission”):

“On behalf of the Mayor of Krotoszyn, and the whole team of the Promotion and Cooperation Department of the Krotoszyn Town Hall, I would like to sincerely thank you for the great support given to Krotoszyn before Krotoszyn's trade mission to Japan in May 2023. The Centre did a great job! The help provided to our Municipality was extremely beneficial for our party, and for our entrepreneurs - the participants in our mission. There are no words to describe our gratitude and appreciation for the great work to find the best solutions among the Centre’s services for our particular situation. All the tools/activities chosen among the Centre's services were absolutely the best suited to our advantage. I think that after the workshop conducted by the expert, the companies are ready to go and explore the Japanese business environment.

Thank you for your patience, for your guidance, your hard work and creativity.”

By Katarzyna Grobelna, Promotion and Cooperation Department, Krotoszyn Town Hall

Interested in organizing an on-site or online workshop? Please contact Ms Ana Horvatin at workshops(at)

 Expert presenting

Published: June 2023