
From Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce: Specific COVID-19 Support

The Chamber launched three distinct support projects:

  • Regional Cooperation Portal
    A Regional Cooperation Portal aiming to promote and support the active cooperation of companies representing key industries for the development of the Świętokrzyskie region, matching regional partners and establishing business contacts.
    Companies with spare production / service capacities, resources, products, semi-finished products, looking for subcontractors, suppliers, recipients or other forms of cooperation are invited to take advantage of the offer of the Regional Cooperation Portal for business.
  • Set of webinars titled: Running a company in times of storms
    A series or selected free webinars is devoted to issues considered as important these days by SMEs during the conducted survey. The topics covered include currency risk management during the crisis, anti-crisis shield - support for entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic, planning company's digital transformation, preparing new strategy for new times, optimising processes benefiting from LEAN tools, and many more.
  • Free consultancy for the companies
    These one-line consultation cover such topics as currency risk management during the crisis, anti-crisis shield - support for entrepreneurs during the COVID-19 pandemic, preparing new strategy for new times, optimising processes benefiting from LEAN tools, and many more.

Published: June 2020