
From University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück: Specific COVID-19 Support

What is really exceptional given the current Covid-19 outbreak, is that the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück is available for its clients at all times via all media (telephone, mail, video conference), despite their home office. In addition, the contacts to the international EEN colleagues are closer today than before the crisis. In the video conferences, which are held regularly but also ad hoc, the requests of the clients are dealt with much faster and more efficiently. The close cooperation with NBank assures to the clients quick access to the most important government agency in Lower Saxony, which distributes corona subsidies here.

The corona specific services of the entire network, which the organisation of course provides for their clients, can be found on Enterprise Europe Network website (EEN).
University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück
Enterprise Europe Network in Lower Saxony

Published: June 2020