
2023 Fiscal Year Achievement Report - Key Figures & Statistics

The EU-Japan Centre’s key role in promoting European industry in Japan is evidenced by the results for fiscal year 2023, the first normal post-COVID year. In this unique market, we have informed, trained, and connected European businesses with Japanese customers through multiple activities throughout the year, including:
• Organising 4 physical business missions to Japan, bringing EU SMEs and clusters to trade fairs.
• Conducting 2 World Class Manufacturing sessions with 49 managers in Aichi Prefecture.
• Hosting 14 European SME managers in our Get Ready for Japan training programme.
• Arranging industrial internships for 16 European students in Japan and 22 Japanese students in Europe.
• Holding 10 market workshops across Europe with over 400 participants.
• Hosting 11 policy events, attracting over 4,400 participants.
• Responding to hundreds of inquiries from SMEs via the Centre’s various helpdesks.
• Organising the 25th EU-Japan Business Round Table meeting in Brussels.

To the report 

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