The final Lean in Europe visit was to Toyota’s Yaris plant in Valenciennes
The final Lean in Europe visit was to Toyota Motor Manufacturing France (TMMF). Participants from a range of industries (packaging, automotive, hospitality, cork stoppers, cooking systems, piping, steel, retail, food & beverage, animal healthcare, etc.) learned how digitalisation tools support and enhance TMMF’s operations.
Report: Smart Mobility Market in Japan and Opportunities for EU SMEs
As the 3rd largest economy in the world, Japan places a high value on the advancement of new technologies. The high level of urbanization creates strong incentives for development of Smart Mobility innovations.
Webinar 171: Smart Mobility Market in Japan and Opportunities for EU SMEs
The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking information about the way the Smart Mobility Market in Japan is changing, so that they can prepare themselves for the new possibilities in the future.
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 38: Vehicles
Trade concessions are contained in the EPA for EU exporters of vehicles to Japan. As a result, these EU products have since the entry into force of the Agreement an important competitive advantage on the Japanese markets.
Export to Japan 5: Technical regulations - Motor Vehicles
21-10-20 | 10:30 - 11:00 AM CETWhat should you know when exporting to Japan in motor vehicle market?
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 20: Vehicles
05-05-20 | 10:30 - 11:30 AM CETHow can EU producers of vehicles benefit from EPA concessions in exporting its products to Japan?
Webinar 125: Autonomous Driving Systems Development in Japan
What are the significant advancements in autonomous driving systems in Japan?Unknown to many in the industry, Japan has a variety of autonomous driving systems developments th
Report: Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan
This report is useful for EU companies seeking to supply technologies, components or software for next generation cars and which want to understand in what directions the Japanese car industry is h
Report: Automobile and Transport Cluster Mapping and Industry
This report on automobile and transport industry in Japan will cover the key aspects of this sector and highlight opportunities for European companies seeking to expand into Japanese market.
Webinar 71: Alternative Vehicle Technologies in Japan
31-05-16 | 10:30 h - 11:30 hWith what and when will the combustion engine be replaced in Japan?When will we see the first self-driving cars

EU-Japan Centre's News

Host a Japanese intern and broaden your horizons in research and development! Next year, the…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is…
U.S.-Japan Council, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Joint Webinar Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to…
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