26th Japan-EU Industrial Policy Dialogue
On 13 February, Mr. Matsuo Takahiko, Vice Minister for International Affairs of METI, from the Japanese side, and Ms. Kerstin Jorna, Director-General of DG GROW, from the EU side, co-chaired the 26th Japan-EU Industrial Policy Dialogue.
Sharing the best practices between the Digital Agency of Japan and Estonia
Based on a mutual cooperation agreement, the Digital Agency of Japan dispatched an expert to Estonia to analyze the i-voting system.
New Reporting Projects
In an effort to enhance understanding and analysis of the Japanese market and its policy background, the EU-Japan Centre has launched three new reporting projects. These initiatives will provide comprehensive insights into current market trends, policy developments, regulatory changes, and economic policies that impact both domestic and international stakeholders.
EU-Japan Centre Hosts Seminar on Japan’s ambitious green Transformation strategy
The EU-Japan Centre organized a webinar on Japan’s green transformation (GX) strategy on 18 April, 2024, with 430 participants.
Expert’s view: Venture Capital and Corporate Venture Capital in Japan - New trends
The government of Japan has appointed officially in August 2022 a new "Startup Minister" to help the support to startups, to implement an economic revitalization and in addition has launched the Five-Year Startup Development Plan in November 2022 to have 100 000 startups, 100 unicorns and an annual investment of 10 trillion yens. Although this seems to be an ambitious plan, Japan is setting the tone for a new economic road with entrepreneurship in high technologies and deeptech.
Does Inequality Matter?
“Does Inequality Matter? How People Perceive Economic Disparities and Social Mobility in Japan”, the latest OECD report on what people think about inequality and how their views shape the demand for redistributive policies.
SPIPA Project in Japan

Japan - Europe

29 May 2015 : EU-Japan annual summit: EPA main point on the agenda
Lower tariffs, non-tariff trade barriers and public procurement

EU-Japan Centre's News

The Centre quarterly newsletter, March 2025 issue, is now available. In this issue: EU-Japan…
The EU-Japan Centre is now calling for expressions of interest for Market Access online and on-site…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…


EU-Japan Digital Partnership Webinar  Wednesday, 19 March 16:30-18:00 Tokyo (8:30-10:00 Brussels) (With English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation / Free Event) Co-organized by:Japan Electronics…
Online and in Japan
19/05/2025 - 13/06/2025
19-23 May 2025, → 1st phase online 9-13 June 2025, → 2nd phase in Japan   PROGRAMME OBJECTIVES “Get Ready for Japan” aims to help understand Japanese business practices and communication styles…
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  • Japanese Industry and Policy News
  • “About Japan” e-News (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
  • Japan Tax and Public Procurement Weekly Tender Digest (Only available for EU companies / EU organisations)
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