Admantex2i mission to Japan
On 11-15 March 2024, the Admantex2i project organized it’s third and last country mission, bringing a delegation of 22 European participants to Japan, for a week of industrial visits, business meetings and participation in the Smart Manufacturing Summit 2024, in order to identify potential business and technological innovation opportunities.
EU-Alliance: defence and security mission in Japan
The European partnership EU-Alliance organises a mission in Japan in March 2023, for European SMEs whose activities are related to technical textiles, connectivity, advanced technologies, and advanced materials, for dual-use applications in the security and defence markets.
'About Japan' webinar series 200: Japan's Home Fashion & Furniture Market
Is there a large home fashion and decoration market in Japan and is it worth the effort for EU companies? Especially now after the pandemic? Yes, in so many ways…
Case study - SOCKSSS
SOCKSSS is a young Swedish company specialized in the fashion of socks. Whereas many larger companies failed in Japan, SOCKSSS already makes 5-7% of their turnover in Japan and their made in Japan style socks amount for 20% of their global turnover.
Smart & Technical Textiles 2022
On the occasion of the leading international trade fair for technical textiles and non-wovens TechTextil and the International Conference for Smart Textiles InMotion, the Enterprise Europe Network is organising an international brokerage event “Technical & Smart Textile”.
CANCELLED - EPA Helpdesk Webinar 44: EPA Impact on EU Agri-Food and Textile Exports to Japan
The EU-Japan EPA entered into force on 1 February 2019. How has the application of this Agreement influenced EU exports of Agri-Food and Textile Products to Japan? Which sectors have seized the opportunities of preferential market access in Japan, and which have not?
Webinar 183: Japan's Clothing and Textile Market
The webinar targets EU apparel and textile firms and brands wanting to increase exports and depend less on their home market and generate revenues in what is one of the best export markets for European apparel and textiles.
Report: Japan's Clothing and Textile Market
This report will provide readers with a clear overview of the size of the Japanese apparel and textile market, the potential and opportunities, as well as lists of retail targets – and the distributors and trading companies that could partner in reaching them.
EPA Helpdesk Webinar 35: Textiles
Import trade concessions are contained in the EPA for EU exporters of textile products to Japan. As a result, these EU products have since the entry into force of the Agreement an important competitive advantage on the Japanese markets.

EU-Japan Centre's News

Host a Japanese intern and broaden your horizons in research and development! Next year, the…


01/08/2024 - 31/03/2025
  The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is…
U.S.-Japan Council, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan and EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Joint Webinar Direction that Japan’s carbon pricing should aim for -- referring to…
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