
Accelerating the clean transition in the EU and Japan

February 17 2025


The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation Hybrid Seminar

Accelerating the clean transition in the EU and Japan

Monday 17 February 2025 17:30-18:30 Tokyo (9:30-10:30 Brussels)
Venue: Delegation of the European Union to Japan + ZOOM Webinar 

(With English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation / Free Event)

The second term of Ursula von der Leyen's presidency of the European Commission has begun. In her first term, President von der Leyen strongly promoted efforts towards decarbonization, including the Fit-for-55 policy package under the European Green Deal. The EU Compass, published on January 29th and inspired from Draghi report, sets the direction for her second term, with a focus on innovation, decarbonization and competitiveness, and strengthening economic security efforts.

Since Japan has set similar goals and is working on the GX (Green Transformation) strategy for advancing the Japan-EU Green Alliance, we are keenly interested in how the EU will progress towards its goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050.

Discussions will be held with the top EU climate policy official, the head of Japan’s METI GX strategy, and a representative from Japanese businesses to explore the future direction of decarbonization efforts and the advancement of the Japan-EU Green Alliance. On-site participants are welcome to join the networking reception following the seminar.



MC: Manuel Hubert, Managing Director EU-side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

17:30-17:35 (9:30-9:35) Opening remarks
-    Jean-Eric Paquet, Ambassador of the EU to Japan, the EU Delegation to Japan

17:35-17:55 (9:35-9:55) Keynote speech
-    Kurt Vandenberghe, Director-General, Directorate-General for Climate Actions, European Commission

17:55-18:15 (9:55-10:15)  Comments
-    Takahiro Tajiri, Deputy Director-General for Green Transformation Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
-    Hirotoshi Uehara, Executive Officer, Quality & Environment Lead, Panasonic Operational Excellence Co., Ltd

18:15-18:30 (10:15-10:30) Q&A/Discussion
-    Moderator: Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director Japan-side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

18:30-20:00   Networking reception

Registration: For onsite participation (capacity 100 people): Click here  (closed)
        For online participation: Click here for ZOOM registration

Q&A: Registrants can enter questions in the Questions & Comments section of the registration screen. 
It could be difficult to answer all questions due to time constraints.  Thank you for your understanding.

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