
Japan Food Sector and Business Culture workshop in Cluj Napoca, Romania

October 19 2022

In its ongoing efforts to help European SMEs to access the Japanese market, the EU-Japan Centre co-organises Market Access workshops in cooperation with the with local EU support organisations (members of Enterprise Europe Network or other EU non-profit entities, such as EU clusters).

These workshops, in collaboration with EEN partners or other EU non-profit entities, will cover information on how to access the Japanese market for EU companies interested in a particular sector and/or provide insights into the Japanese business culture.

- Sectorial information: sectors, considered for these workshops (online or on-site), include food, textile, biotech/medical devices, ICT/IoT/digitalisation, clean-tech/circular economy, cosmetics, furniture as well as multiple aspects of the Japanese business culture and cover topics, such as consumer behaviour, export procedures in home country, bilateral cooperation, import clearance at Japan Customs, challenges in the Japanese market etc.

- Japanese business culture: negotiation practices, virtual communication trends, business etiquette and other useful tips for EU companies when doing business in Japan.


This workshop is targeted at the clients of Technology Transfer Center CENTI Cluj-Napoca.

  • Workshop date: Wednesday, 19 October 2022
  • Workshop location: Cluj Napoca, Romania
  • For any other inquiries, please contact Ms. Ana Horvatin at

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