
New Developments in Japan-EU Hydrogen Cooperation -Towards the Realization of a Hydrogen Society-

June 26 2024


New Developments in Japan-EU Hydrogen Cooperation
-Towards the Realization of a Hydrogen Society-

Wednesday, June 26 17:00~18:00 Tokyo (10:00~11:00 Brussels)
(In Japanese only / Free event)

On June 3, 2024, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry held the Japan-EU Energy Ministerial Meeting and the Japan-EU Hydrogen Business Forum, during which Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Saito and European Commissioner Simson (responsible for Energy) issued a joint press statement. Additionally, cooperation documents between Japan-EU hydrogen-related organizations were signed.

This Japan-EU hydrogen cooperation builds upon the momentum of the Japan-EU Green Alliance and is based on the agreement reached during the Japan-EU regular summit meeting last July between Prime Minister Kishida and EU Commission President von der Leyen. Both Japan and the EU, committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, recognize hydrogen as an essential energy source. Each has developed hydrogen strategies, set targets, and is addressing various challenges on both the demand and supply sides.

In this webinar, Mr. Hiroo Inoue, Director-General of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, will introduce Japan's efforts toward a hydrogen society and the latest developments in Japan-EU hydrogen cooperation. From the industrial sector, Mr. Hiroshi Fukushima, Executive Officer of Iwatani Corporation (Secretary General of the Hydrogen Value Chain Promotion Council), will outline industry-wide initiatives and those specifically taken by the Iwatani Corporation, and Mr. Kenji Yoshimura, Executive/Group Manager of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, will highlight the efforts of Kawasaki Heavy Industries. They will explore expectations for Japan-EU hydrogen cooperation towards achieving a hydrogen society and discuss the challenges in advancing these initiatives.


17:00 -17:03 (10:00 -10:03) Opening Remarks
-    Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director Japan side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

17:03 -17:40 (10:03 -10:40)   Presentation 
-    Hiroo Inoue, Director-General, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Department, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (25 min)
-    Hiroshi Fukushima, Senior Managing Officer and Executive Officer, Iwatani Corporation (6 min)
-    Kenji Yoshimura, Executive/Group Manager, Project Group, Hydrogen Strategy Division, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.  (6 min)

17:40-18:00 (10:40-11:00)   Discussion/Q&A
-    Moderator: Yasuo Tanabe, Managing Director Japan side, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation

  • Registration: This webinar will be held on ZOOM. Please register from this ZOOM link to join.
  • Q&A: Questions during the webinar can be entered in the Q&A box on your screen. In addition, it’s possible to accept questions in advance when registering for ZOOM participation

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