'About Japan' webinar series 190: Well-Being as Ultimate Goal of Smart Cities – EU-Japan Collaboration
What is the ultimate goal of Smart City? Key to bridge civic engagement and digital technology.
10:00 - 11:00
'About Japan' webinar series 192: Digital Apps Market in Japan
What are the main characteristics of Japanese Mobile App market that can prove useful to the EU SMEs trying to access it?
10:30 - 11:30
'About Japan' webinar series 210: Engaging with Japanese consumers - why storytelling wins in digital and social media platforms
In this webinar, we will explore how to engage with Japanese consumers through effective storytelling on digital and social media platforms.
10:30 - 11:30
Report: Digital Apps Market in Japan
Japanese mobile apps market is influenced by global trends of IoT, automatization, digital shift prompted by the COVID-19 related lockdowns, safety measures as well as promotion of cashless transactions and policy of Japanese government towards structural and demographic challenges.
Report: Digital Economy in Japan and the EU
This study has the aim of providing a source of inspiration for enhanced EU-Japan dialogue and cooperation on the Digital Economy which is expected to play a key role in unlocking economic growth, competitiveness, as well as in the general improvement of societal wellbeing.
Report: Digital Technology

About the Report

This report covers the Japanese digital technology industry, w

Report: Digital Transformation Japan - Assessing opportunities for EU SMEs
This report takes a look at digital transformation (DX) that has been a key and a growing topic over the past years, where Japan is no exception. It aims to provide a holistic overview of the current state of the digital transition in Japan, with a focus on the initiatives undertaken by the private sector and assess the way it has transformed its business and operating models. On this basis, it aims to identify potential opportunities for European companies to enter the Japanese market in the digital domains.
Report: IoT Market in Japan
This report is provided for SMEs in the EU planning to market and sell their IoT products in Japan. The document will describe the market, opportunities, and challenges.
Report: Japan in 2025 - Market Opportunities for EU Companies
What fields represent the biggest opportunities for EU companies in Japan in 2025 and beyond?
Report: Opportunities in nine digital technology areas
The report has the purpose to show a map of opportunities for venture firms, universities and research institutes in the EU to conduct knowledge transfer with Japanese counterparts in nine digital technology areas.
Webinar 168: EU-Japan.AI Project (H2020)


10:30 - 11:30
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