
The EU-Japan Centre is currently calling for expert report proposals for a new periodic monitoring report of Japanese policy and regulatory developments in the field of industrial and innovation policy.

The deadline for submitting proposals is August 10, 2024. 

In order to provide European companies, business organisations and policy makers with condensed and updated information about policy and regulatory developments impacting trade and business with and in Japan, the EU-Japan Centre is launching a call for a new periodic publication.

With this new call, the EU-Japan Centre is planning monthly released reports for a contractual length of 1 year (FY2024) with an option to extend to a second year (FY2025). These reports should follow a structure that looks similar to the example below. The objective is to provide to the intended reader with a review of latest policy and regulatory developments by the Japanese government and agencies that impact business and trade. This includes, but not exclusively, to developments in the following policy areas: industry, energy, environment/climate, digital, economic security, international cooperation.

As a not-for-profit body, the EU-Japan Centre is only able to offer a nominal payment to contributing authors.

If you don’t want to miss this unique occasion, your proposal should be sent by email to Sofia Smerzi (click here) at the latest on August 10, 2024.

These reports should contain the most up-to-date information currently available. Submissions must already have been proofread in English.

Report Structure

The final draft of each report should consist of a maximum of 5000 words. The reports should provide a concise and thorough summary of policy and regulatory developments in industry, technology, and markets, including information from sources either in English or Japanese.

The reports should provide:

  1. a concise and thorough summary of policy and regulatory developments in the field of industrial and innovation over the previous month;
  2. a short analysis of the development;
  3. expected timeline, entry into force of the policy/regulation;
  4. the sources either in English or Japanese where the information comes from if available;
  5. Link to the sources for further information (when and if publicly available).


Your proposal should be written in English and include the following elements:

  • The expert:
    • Full contact details of each expert
    • CV(s)
    • Proof of expertise
    • List of publications by the Author(s)
  • The work / deliverables:
    • Table of Content
    • Methodology to be used
  • The Fee
    • The amount of nominal payment expected to be paid at the final delivery (VAT excluded)
  • The Delivery
    • Monthly instalment delivery for 2 years

These reports are intended for open access online publication, and they will be made public.


Your proposal should be sent by email to Sofia Smerzi (click here) at the latest on August 10, 2024.

Selection results

Selection criteria will include the background of the Author(s), the quality of the contents and the price of the report. 

The results of the selection process will be announced by September 2024. More technical specifications will be sent to successful candidate authors.

Key Dates

  1. Deadline for proposals: August 10, 2024
  2. Selection results release: September
  3. Final report delivery period: Monthly release


For further information, feel free to contact Sofia Smerzi (click here).

We look forward to receiving your proposals!

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