New “Invest in EU Hub” service: promoting investment opportunities in the EU
The new “Invest in EU Hub” service promotes investment opportunities in the EU for Japanese investors and links them to sources of information and resources at EU level or in the Member States.
Developing your business in Slovakia
Report from a Slovak investment seminar in Tokyo and short invitation to SARIO´s international B2B event in Slovakia.
Japanese investments pouring into Flanders
In 2022, Flanders welcomed 15 investment projects from Japan, placing Japan in the sixth spot among Flanders' main investors, and first among their Asian investors.
Seminar: developing your business in Slovakia
Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) and the Slovak Embassy in Tokyo are organizing a seminar focused on investment and business opportunities in Slovakia.
Developing Your Business in Slovakia — Investment Seminar
Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) and the Slovak Embassy in Tokyo sincerely invite you to a seminar focused on investment and business opportunities in Slovakia. Join this seminar physically in Tokyo on Sep 12!
Seminar: North Rhine-Westphalia, a Frontrunner of the German Hydrogen Strategy
On 16 March 2023, during the FC Expo 2023 at BIG SIGHT TOKYO, NRW.Global Business, the trade and investment agency of the German state North Rhine-Westphalia, and Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) will host a seminar “Business and Investment Opportunities in Germany’s Growing Hydrogen Ecosystem: North Rhine-Westphalia, a Frontrunner of the German Hydrogen Strategy“.
Upcoming pitching event with UNIDO
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation and UNIDO are organising a pitching and networking event to connect EU and Japanese companies interested in working together in Africa.
InvestBulgaria Agency at the Annual Japanese Investment Forum
On 7 September 2022 in the city of Tokyo, representatives of the InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA), took part in the 17th Annual Japanese Investment Forum.
InvestBulgaria agency MoU with the Japan Institute for Overseas Investment
During its visit to Tokyo in September, the team of InvestBulgaria Agency (IBA) held meetings with “Marubeni Corporation” – a Japanese company with interests in the field of automotive, energy and
8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8)
On 31 August 2022, the EU-Japan Centre organised an official side event of the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8) on the topic of opportunities to develop Africa's economy and society through Africa-Japan-EU trilateral business cooperation.
Report: FDI Incentives by Prefecture 2022
This report will provide you with a concise summary of FDI incentives in Japan organised by prefecture. It will assist you in determining which of Japan's prefectures are more suitable for your business.

EU-Japan Centre's News

The Centre quarterly newsletter, March 2025 issue, is now available. In this issue: EU-Japan…
The EU-Japan Centre is now calling for expressions of interest for Market Access online and on-site…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…


The Research Institute of Economy (RIETI), Trade and Industry, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (EUJC) will jointly host the following…
EU-Japan Digital Partnership Webinar  Wednesday, 19 March 16:30-18:00 Tokyo (8:30-10:00 Brussels) (With English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation / Free Event) Co-organized by:Japan Electronics…
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