
'About Japan' webinar series 201: Fintech market in Japan

November 22 2022

22-11-22 | 10:30 - 11:30 AM CET


What business opportunities does the Japanese Fintech market offer to EU SMEs?

2021 saw Japanese Fintech start-up acquisitions by leading U.S. platformers. Alphabet purchased  smartphone payment company Pring and Paypal Holdings purchased Paidy. During pandemic payment processor market share saw large increase with growth of e-commerce market. Japan surely is moving from cold hard cash to alternative payment modes and new options Fintech’s provide.

Fintech industry in Japan often requires large upfront cost to provide service directly to customers. It is heavily regulated and, in most cases, don’t permit operations without license and corporate presence in Japan. This webinar will discuss B2C part to provide a bigger picture. Opportunities stemming from large Japanese market to provide B2B services and products would be the main focus as therein lies most opportunities for EU SMEs.

The webinar targets: EU companies seeking to newly develop or strengthen their current positions in Japan’s Fintech market and EU companies with strong technology and development background.



Please keep in mind that this webinar is only accessible to EU companies which are registered to the EU Business in Japan website:

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