
Cross-cultural workshop in Coimbra, Portugal

June 20 2018


In cooperation with local members of the Enterprise Europe Network, the EU-Japan Centre organises cross-cultural workshops in the EU to introduce European companies to the basic principles of Japanese business culture.
The goal of the workshops is to prepare European companies for doing business with Japan.

Led by an expert consultant with coaching experience at all levels of corporate hierarchy from normal employees to top leadership, the workshops covers the following points:

Japanese Business Etiquette
General do & don'ts
Communication with Japanese
General differences in communication style (high context vs. low context)
Common misunderstandings
Gestures and body language
Doing Business with Japanese
Meetings & decision-making process
Negotiating / project management

Cross-Cultural Workshop in Coimbra, Portugal

This workshop is targeted at the SME clients of Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro - CEC-CCIC

• Workshop date: 20 June 2018

• Workshop location: Rua Coronel Júlio Veiga Simão, 3025-307 Coimbra, Portugal

• Please find the agenda of the workshop here

The expert: Angela Kessel
Event co-organisers: Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro - CEC-CCIC

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