
Report: Confectionery Market in Japan

About the Report 

Japan’s confectionery market sector is a diverse and dynamic industry. The market consists of 11 subsectors including Chocolate, Snacks, Japanese Sweets (wagashi), Biscuits, Western Sweets and Rice Snacks.

In recent years, the confectionery market in Japan has faced challenges due to the ageing population and changing preferences. However, the market has remained resilient, and companies have adapted by introducing new products and flavours, as well as expanding their online sales.

Many EU companies have responded to the growing demand for healthier options by developing products with reduced sugar content and natural ingredients. This aligns with the health-conscious preferences of Japanese consumers, opening business chances for EU companies to tap into this segment.

The aim of this report is to assess the current status of the Japanese confectionery market. The report is targeting EU-based small- and mid-sized companies that are manufacturing confectionery products and are seeking to enter the Japanese market or those aiming at strengthening their current positions in Japan. The intended audience for this report also includes other actors in the value chain, such as exporters.

About the Expert

Maths Lundin, founder of Sweden Japan Consulting (SJC), has more than 35 years of experience working in Japan in sectors such as home appliances, system kitchens and nanotechnology. He is now working as consultant helping European companies set up business in Japan.

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