
Report: Market Situation and Potentials in Japan for Technologies for Solid Biomass Utilization

About the Report 

This report shows the wide variety of biomass utilisation in Japan. The utilisation of almost all types of solid biomass for energy, especially if it is obtained locally wherever possible has clear ecological advantages over other disposal methods for food, such as the form of waste disposal by incineration that is frequently used in Japan. In the long term, a significant expansion of the Japanese market for biomass technology can be assumed. 

This report focuses on the market for solid biomass technologies in Japan and is addressed to mainly small and medium-sized companies in Europe who offer innovative technology in the solid biomass sector.

About the Experts: Peter Beck, project manager, ECOS GmbH. Since 1991, P. Beck is active as project manager of ECOS GmbH in Osnabrueck/Germany, responsible for the energy and environmental technology division. His main focus is on research, consulting and project management in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, intelligent energy use and the Japanese market for sustainable energy technologies.

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