Sharing the best practices between the Digital Agency of Japan and Estonia
Based on a mutual cooperation agreement, the Digital Agency of Japan dispatched an expert to Estonia to analyze the i-voting system.
Amendments to the Memorandum of Cooperation with the European Securities and Markets Authority
On 18 March, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) signed the amended Memorandum of Cooperation which was originally concluded on 2015.
EU-Japan EPA - How to Revolutionize Our Industries by Strong Digital Cooperation
The EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement - How to Revolutionize our Industries by Strong Digital Cooperation seminar at the Global Industrie 2018 trade fair in Paris looked at h
Seminar report: EU-Japan EPA - How to Revolutionize Our Industries by Strong Digital Cooperation
Seminar details
18th BRT Annual Meeting
The 18th EU-Japan Business Round Table (BRT) meeting took place at the Hotel New Otani, Tokyo on Wednesday, 20 April 2016.
Recommendations - WP A - Trade Relations, Investment and Regulatory Cooperation
Recommendations of the EU-Japan Business Round Table to the Leaders of the European Union and Japan 

EU-Japan Centre's News

The EU-Japan Centre is now calling for expressions of interest for Market Access online and on-site…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU Japan Centre is releasing a weekly press review covering Japan's economic and policy matters…
The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation is currently accepting applications to the call for…


The Research Institute of Economy (RIETI), Trade and Industry, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) and the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation (EUJC) will jointly host the following…
EU-Japan Digital Partnership Webinar  Wednesday, 19 March 16:30-18:00 Tokyo (8:30-10:00 Brussels) (With English-Japanese Simultaneous Interpretation / Free Event) Co-organized by:Japan Electronics…
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