
Vulcanus in Japan - A training programme for students in engineering and other scientific fields (from EU / SMP associated countries)

August 01 2024 -> March 31 2025



The organization of the Vulcanus Programme is pending reception of a grant by the EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation for the Japanese fiscal year 2024-2025: Please note that this call is subject to the award and signature of the EU Grant Agreement and may therefore be adjusted/cancelled if needed.



Vulcanus in Japan started in 1997. The programme consists of industrial placements for  students in engineering or other scientific fields. It is open to EU nationals and to citizens of SMP associated countries *. It starts in August and ends in March of the following year.

The students follow:

  • a seminar on Japan,
  • a two-month intensive Japanese language course,
  • and then a six-month traineeship in a Japanese company.


  • To study the range of advanced technologies employed by a leading Japanese host company.
  • To learn Japanese and to understand and appreciate Japanese culture with a view to an enriching one year experience abroad.
  • To be well placed in your future career to interact with Japanese businesses and people.


The EU-Japan Centre covers costs directly related to the internship: costs for providing lectures on Japan and Japanese language course.

The host company provides accommodation throughout the entire stay in Japan.

Students will also benefit from a pro-rata grant that is expected to be around € 8200 (in principle to be paid in Yen), to partially support the cost of travel to and from Japan, personal insurance and living expenses in Japan. The grant will be split into several instalments.

(In case of partial remote attendance of the programme from Europe, due to entry bans, conditions will be informed later on).


You must be:

  • citizen of an EU Member-State or a SMP associated country*.
  • a student of engineering or of other scientific field **, enrolled at university in the EU or in an SMP associated country. Enrolled – at the  moment of application  in between the 4th official year of university studies (3 undergraduate + 1) and the penultimate year of PhD.

  • able to provide a certificate of enrollment at the university valid until at least 1 month prior to the starting of the programme (please note that you cannot complete your cycle of studies before June)

(*) Non EU ?  To check the status of your country, please refer to the list of Participating Countries in the Single Market Programme (SMP), here. Please only refer to the countries for which the agreement is in force.

(**) Computer science, mechanical engineering, chemical, electronics, biotechnology, electrical engineering, physics, telecommunication, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, metal materials, ceramics, production system, GNSS, etc. (this programme does not cover non scientific studies)


Applicants are short-listed on the basis of their academic record and the opinion of their tutors, their knowledge of written and spoken English, their motivation, their attitude to EU-Japan relations and their ability to adapt to a different culture. The final say lies in the hands of the Japanese host companies. (for more information: click here)


Session: AUG 2024 - MAR 2025 -->  indicative opening date: 10 November 2023 / DEADLINE to apply: 20 January 2024


What documents should you submit? How should you apply? 

Please read the documents available in the box on the left of this webpage, headed "Vulcanus documents". 

The application form for session 2024-2025 will be available online starting from about 10 November 2023.

Before applying, please read our Privacy Policy 



VinJ Trainee at Fujitsu Lab Ltd.

"Taking part in the Vulcanus in Japan program has allowed me to spend a year during which every second was a mental, social and cultural stimulationRead more

Ms Madalina IOVANICA (RO)
VinJ Trainee at Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation 

"I applied for Vulcanus in Japan with the mindset that the program would, for sure substantially, improve my professional skills and stimulate my personal growth. And so it happened." Read more


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