
Report: The Market for Biogas Plants in Japan and Opportunities for EU Companies

About the Report 

The share of Biogas in Japan’s energy mix, especially in comparison to other renewable energies such as solar energy, is still rather small. However, the biogas sector shows a steady and positive development and current policy strategies illustrate the increasing importance of biogas production in Japan.

When entering the Japanese market, several specific obstacles for operating biogas plants and challenges need to be considered carefully. This report gives interested European SMEs an insight into the opportunities and key success factors for a successful entry in the Japanese biogas plant market.

About the Expert

Peter Beck, Managing Director, ECOS GmbH. Since 1993, P. Beck has been the managing director of ECOS GmbH in Osnabrueck/Germany, responsible for the energy and environmental technology division. His main focus is on research, consulting and project management in the fields of renewable energy, energy efficiency, intelligent energy use and the Japanese market for sustainable energy technologies.

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Picture: From public domain


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