
Report: Japanese Cosmetics Market Obstacles and Opportunities for European SMEs

About the Report 

The rationale for a dedicated research and business guide for the cosmetics market and industry in Japan has been based on the fact that, although Japan is the second largest cosmetics market in the world, its specificity and complexity prevents European companies, in particular the SMEs, from exploring its full potential. Therefore, the research attempts to provide a contribution towards bridging an apparent information gap. More specifically, the Report attempts to provide an answer to the following questions:

  • What is the current state of the Japanese cosmetic market?
  • What are the new trends and promising sectors?
  • How to successfully enter the market: how to get support, how to find a distributor and handle major regulatory, administrative and cultural obstacles?

Together, a number of suggestive case studies of European successes and failures in Japan are provided.

Please go to the EU-Japan website, to get the access to this report.
The report has been released within Minerva Fellowship framework managed by the EU-Japan Centre.

Picture: A beauty with a face brush by Utagawa Kuniyoshi
Copyright: Pubic domain

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