29-04-2014 | 10:30 - 11:30 Brussels time

Japanese potential: What does Japan have to offer global healthcare companies?

The Japanese healthcare sector has experienced dramatic over the past decade, and has become more dynamic, open and innovative. This presentation offers an overview of what Japan offers for new entrants in the healthcare industry considering entry into the country. The talk will cover a range of important topics, from recent policy developments; the healthcare system and research infrastructure; and recent regulatory reforms. It will also introduce past cases of European firms operating in the Japanese market. The presentation should deliver solid, essential information on the overall industry environment as well as concrete experiences from Europe-based companies operating in Japan.

The webinar is targeted to EU companies considering entry into the Japanese healthcare market

Registrations are open until the 25/04/2014 included.

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, discover:

  • Recent developments in the Japanese health care sector
  • What Japan has to offer for pharmaceutical and medical device companies considering entry  
  • An overview of the Japanese healthcare system and research infrastructure
  • Recent reforms in the regulatory framework to support innovation
  • Success cases: Examples of non-Japanese pharmaceuticals and medical device companies operating in Japan    


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker:  Maki Umemura, Cardiff University, UK - UMEMURA Maki
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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