

 Latest update: September 2023 

As the third largest producer of paper and paperboard in the world, the Japanese paper industry is undergoing a vast transformation in recent years, as the need for traditional paper products is decreasing and the demand for high-technology materials like nanofiber is increasing at an enormous pace. Companies are also using their expertise in power generation from biomass materials to expand into the electricity sector.

Japan Paper Association, About Paper Industry
Nippon Paper Group, Nippon Paper Industries Starts Yufutsu Biomass Power Generation Business with Biomass Mono-Fuel Combustion, 2019


> For more information on packaging, please visit our page on Labelling, Marking & Packaging


Table of Contents

  • Paper Industry Overview
  • Main Players & New Technologies
  • Recycling Paper and Environmental Initiatives
  • Importing Japanese Traditional Paper
  • Expert report
  • Annual Report
  • Further Reading
  • Relevant Organisations and Trade Fairs
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