
EPA & Telecommunications

About Telecom:

Since 2013, Japan’s telecom market size has remained roughly stable (in JPY terms) with revenues hovering between ¥ 13.5n and ¥14.5tn, while 2012 saw total industry revenues fall below ¥13t. Japan’s mobile phone market meanwhile, is dominated by three mobile network operators (MNOs). These are NTT, Softbank, and KDDI, whose market-shares have been historically stable. While most operators own their own infrastructure, mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) have grown from 5% of Japan’s market in 2014, to nearly 12% in 2019. All three dominant-firms have associated MNVOs.

The complete text of the EPA, and Annexes, incorporating the Articles on fruit and vegetables, can be found on the following website of the European Commission:


factsheet has been published on this topic. Please click here to get access.

In addition, a webinar will be organised on this topic. To register, please click here.

Picture: Au Mobile Shop Shinjuku, Tokyo
Copyright: public domain


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1 EUR = 159,887 JPY