18-09-2018 | 10:30 - 11:30

How do I establish first contacts and lay the basis for a good relationship with Japanese partners?

Many products and services that are successful in Europe will undoubtedly also be appreciated in Japan. Just how to find and approach potential partners in the land of the rising sun? This webinar tells you all about the appropriate channels and strategies to introduce yourself to Japanese customers. It takes you through the process from first contact making to getting ready for your initial trip to Japan. Besides coming up with a number of hands-on tips, the webinar also reveals the background of Japanese business cultures, its basic values and thinking patterns. It thus lays the basis for the upcoming sessions that will be dealing with “First encounters and communication”, “Following up and sustaining the relationship” and finally “Negotiations and closing the deal”. 

The webinar is targeted to EU companies seeking to intensify their co-operation after first contacts are made and wishing to put the relationship with Japanese business partners on solid ground from the very start.

Registration deadline: 17/09/2018

What you will learn during this webinar?

In 40 minutes from your desk, you will discover:

  • Which channels are suitable for getting in touch with potential partners
  • Which mistakes you should avoid
  • How to introduce your own company 
  • What the Japanese concept of relationship management is
  • How to get prepared for a visit
  • What to take along when going to Japan
  • What the principles and values of Japanese business are
  • How Japanese see Europeans


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Angela Kessel, Consultant and Trainer for intercultural communication and marketing at ACCESS CULTURE 
Moderator: Gwenael Beauvais - Business Support Coordinator, EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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