13-05-2014 | 10:30 - 11:30 Brussels time

Would you like to seize business opportunities in Japan’s service economy?

In considering a service-related business venture into a new market, one needs to maximize opportunities by taking all possible trade linkages into consideration. Access to reliable information is the key for success.  When entering a particular foreign market, it is a rule of thumb to target local partners who have market knowledge and developed business networks.  When growing your service-related business, it is advisable to obtain support services locally on a continuous basis.  Imagine that you can receive all of this from credible, reliable and local sources for free or at a minimum cost.  Would you like to take advantage of such business opportunities in Japan’s service economy? 

This webinar is targeted at EU companies or support organizations for EU companies seeking to launch a service-based business in Japan and with Japanese partners in neighbouring high-growth markets in Asia.

Registrations are open until the 9/05/2014 included.

What you will learn during this webinar?

From the comfort of your desk and In 40 minutes you will discover and learn how to:

  • find free, credible information on business environment and make preliminary assessment of your investment in Japan and in Asia;
  • find fast, reliable opportunities to identify Japanese partners and formulate an entry strategy into Japan as well as Asia;
  • find local, continued support services to sustain your business growth.


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion


Speaker: Chieko NAKABAYASHI (the United International Business Schools) - NAKABAYASHI Chieko and Max Berre (the Knowledge House Maastricht) - BERRE Max

 Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

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