24-05-2016 | 03:30

Do you know that some of Europe’s most successful companies in Japan are marketing FMCG goods, either entirely or in part, as part of their overall strategy?

FMCG goods are fantastically popular in Japan.  Many European companies are already successfully marketing their FMCG goods in Japan and reaping fat profits.  It’s not that hard if your company has a plan and follows through on it.  This presentation includes tips and techniques to help your company with its Japan FMCG strategy.

The webinar was targeted to EU companies seeking to market any kind of FMCG goods in Japan, whether food, beverages, alcohol, souvenirs, health products, disposable items, electronics and accessories, or similar.

Topics covered in the webinar:

  • think about the opportunities in FMCG markets in Japan
  • formulate a multi-year strategy that your company can stick to and fully implement
  • avoid many of the classic problems of being a new FMCG brand in Japan


  • Introduction
  • Expert’s presentation
  • Q&A Session
  • Conclusion

Speaker: Jay Nelson is a senior editor at Success Stories
Organiser: EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation - Brussels Office

After Event Information


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